If you are considering learning how to drive, you will no doubt want to know what the average cost of learning how to drive is. So, we have put together this guide to help you understand the different driving cost factors, such as the average cost of lessons, driving test cost and Pass Plus.

Provisional Licence

Before you can even start ‌driving lessons, you must have a provisional licence. This type of licence is also known as a learner’s permit, and it is a legal requirement for learner drivers to have one. It costs £34 to apply online and receive this licence.  

Average Cost of Lessons 

Driving lessons vary between instructors. A few factors that are considered for the cost of a driving lesson are: 

  • If you are learning in an automatic or manual car. At Ashley Neal, learning in an automatic car costs £32, whereas in a manual car it costs £30 (or £29 if you are a student or unemployed).
  • The cost varies depending on the time of the day or night you are learning at. At Ashley Neal, there is a surcharge of £3 per hour for lessons starting on or after 18:00 Monday to Friday.
  • If you are doing your lessons on a weekend, there is a surcharge of £3 per hour at Ashley Neal.  
  • If you are having a lesson on the motorway, instructors will charge more. At Ashley Neal, there is a surcharge of £5. 

On average, a driving lesson is between £30 and £35. The average driver needs around 45 hours of driving lessons, on top of 22 hours of additional practice before their driving test. So, the average cost of lessons in total is £1,350. 

However, you can save money by block booking your lessons. At Ashely Neal, if you block book 10 manual lessons it will cost you £270, so this is saving you £30. 

Cost of Theory Test

A theory test is one of two tests you must pass before you get a full driving licence, and you must pass it before you can sit your driving test. 

A theory test is broken down into 2 parts. The first part is a 50 question test that consists of all multiple-choice questions. To pass this section of the test you must score 43 out of 50. Some of the topics include safety and your vehicle, hazard awareness, rules of the road, road and traffic signs and accidents. 

For the second part of the test, you must sit a hazard perception test. This involves watching 14 short videos about everyday scenes on the roads and identifying the hazards in them. You need to score 44 out of 75 on this test to pass. 

To sit the theory test it cost £23. You may need to download a mobile app to practice for the test or purchase a book to study, so this can cost an additional £3 to £10. 

How to Keep Cost Of Theory Test Down 

If you fail your theory test, you do not get refunded the amount it cost, and to sit it again you will have to pay another £23. To keep the costs of taking a theory test down, you should aim to pass the first time, so then you only need to pay once. Here are a few tips on how to pass your car theory test the first time: 

  1. Research: the first thing you need to do to ensure that you are fully prepared for the theory test is to research it. You should look at all the topics you will be asked about, look at the format of the test and style of questions, and find out what some of the hardest questions you will be asked are. Therefore, you will be fully prepared and nothing will catch you off guard on the day. 
  1. Revise: studying for your theory test is an essential part of preparing. The DVSA suggests at least 20 hours of revision before you sit your test, so the sooner you start the higher your chances are of passing. Some great revision methods are flashcards, mind maps, notes and practice tests. 
  1. Practice: practising is arguably the most important part of preparing for your theory test as it will help you learn all the content you need and help you identify strengths and weaknesses. There are many apps you can download on your phone or access online. 
  1. Putting theory into practice: this is a great way to prepare as it will allow you to see the real-world applications of the knowledge you need to remember. So, when you are either in a driving lesson or a passenger in a car, you can ask the driver to ask you questions about your surroundings, e.g. road signs or potential hazards that could occur. 
  1. Hazards: Identifying hazards is a key part of the theory test, so you must be able to spot them. There are practice hazard perception tests that you can take online or you can watch Youtube videos for free to help you spot them. 

Driving Test Costs

Sitting your practical driving test is the final stage before you can get your full licence. It costs £62 if you have your test on a weekday, or £75 if you have your test on a weekend. 

A practical test takes around 45 minutes to complete. If you are planning to use your instructor’s car for the test, you will need to pay them the cost of one lesson. This is an additional £30 (on average). 

How to Keep Cost Of Driving Test Down 

All in all, a practical test can cost you between £92 and £105. So to save money getting your licence, it is important to pass the first time. Otherwise, you will have to continue paying that amount until you pass. Here are a few tips on how to keep the cost of a practical driving test down:

  1. Only take the test when you are ready: you shouldn’t rush into taking your test and only take it when you feel confident. If you take it before you are ready, you are paying £92+ to fail, whereas if you would have done a few more lessons you could have avoided this cost. 
  1. Practice outside of lessons: you should ask your family if you can practice in their car. You will have to pay for learner driving insurance, but this starts at around £1.87. This will help you get extra practice, and get used to driving. You could ask one of your family members to test you as you are driving. 
  1. Weekday test: one of the easiest ways to save a little bit of money is to take your test on a weekday. It costs £13 less to sit your test through the week rather than sitting it on the weekend. 

Pass Plus Cost  

Pass Plus is additional practical driving training you can sit after your test to improve your driving skills and hazard awareness. It is at least 6 hours of training. 

It is worth considering Pass Plus as a new driver, especially if you are young, as it can help you save money on your car insurance and reduce your chances of being involved in an accident. 

At Ashley Neal, we offer Pass Plus lessons. They involve 6 practical modules, including:

  • Driving in town
  • Driving in all weathers
  • Rural roads
  • Driving at night
  • Dual carriageways 
  • Motorways  

At the end of the modules, you will not have to sit a test but you will be given a grade of either ‘achieved’ or ‘exceeded’.